Sunday, June 28, 2009


Almost all animals exhibit some or the other kind of "natural instincts" and i cannot but wonder whether humans also posses some kind of definitive instincts. Of course there are some common ones like survival. But unlike animals we go about our lives based on rational or reasoned out decisions(mostly), thats how we are so different from those lot.

There are many noticeable instincts in humans that i find particularly interesting. Especially those which are gender specific. Last week i was hearing some random musings of a radio jockey who put forward a topic for listners' opinion, it was something like - what is the most annoying thing about your partner that you cant really understand. A man called up and said he was fed up of his wife's and daughter's mania for buying numerous pairs of footwear! I couldn't help but laugh at first but then it struck to me it was a very common truth. Its not like all the women in the world were told to do so but still they all(most) would rather own 10 pairs of cheap attractive footwear rather than 2 pairs of expensive ones. This conundrum extends to many other preferences such as liking for pink color, attraction towards stuffed toys, allure of infinite lil colorful artifacts of jewellery, readiness to burst into tears etc. etc..

Men are not left behind either. We are well known for not liking the above mentioned things, craze for cars/bikes, penchant for loud and so called metal music, allergy to emotional pangs(very debatable), using tools, tendency to heat up and burst into physical interaction and common notion that they are more lewd/lecherous etc. etc..

I do not deny that many of these points are highly debatable, but we cant also overlook these common prejudices. Many may claim that these characteristics are are cliched and don't exist much nowadays. Neverthless my question is whether these things come wired in our brains since birth (or more precisely etched in our genes) or do we acquire these by observing the world around us?
Most of these even transcend borders, cultures and nations; hence should not be proximity based developments.

But if I were to say these features(if i may) come inbuilt in genders, then how can I account for the anomalies which exist? are they damaged ? neurally, or genetically perhaps?
Looking at the larger picture, does everything that doesnt fit into our current classification considered defective? take for example homosexual people, are they wired differently than a heterosexual ones?

This has drifted me away to a thought that all that we know today as explainable facts by science is just an insignificant fraction of something much bigger than we can ever imagine. An equation we think that explains a set of phenomenon might just be a particular case of a unfathomable general equation. Believe me I am more scared than you are reading this. Mathematics sucks!On this bombshell I will wrap up this post before I blow up my teeny weeny brain.

Thursday, June 18, 2009


You will notice that in many of my posts i will fail to encapsulate the content within the realm of the topic. Please forgive me for i am new at this and once my thoughts start running i really cant brand them with a one liner topic.

Last 4 years and beyond

To be very honest i am no longer the person that entered the gates of Bits Goa( which i think looks more like a holiday resort than anything else). These last 4 years i have learnt so much maybe not academically but yes otherwise. I not only learnt but i can say that i gained a lot of wisdom passively(sorry i dont intend to sound smug). In short i perceive myself as an improved version of what i used to be.

But many a times i wonder if i am as good as i could have been after these 4 years?
Whatever i did, the descisions i took, were they right?
Have i committed any mistakes which i dont reckon yet?
Am i going in the right direction? which i chose in these past years?

Interestingly my mind tries to accept my current state as the best possible, hence avoiding any chronic tension/worry/guilt that might arise otherwise. This line of thought also provokes another question, what is right or wrong? My so called logical definition of right is something widely accepted and acknowleged thought/method/means to achieve another widely accepted end/result/state. But then this again raises the question that if widely accpted things are correct how can you account for success of innovators, radical thinkers and succesful people who chose their own path. Although statistically these people are very few but they are the ones who achieve true success according to me.

So i am stuck here with this self created conundrum of mine, but mostly i follow the widely accepted path, mainly beacuse of my fear of failure which i may meet by taking a risk beyond my scope of understanding.

Many a time people say that do what you really want, follow the path that involves your passions and strengths. Its ridiculous.
It is practically impossible to satisfy all your passions, needs and requirements at the same time. I must sacrifice something to gain another. I dont have a measuring scale to compare these, i cant put an equation say that losing x of this and gaining y of that is more beneficial!
It may so happen that i decide that giving up this particular thing is wiser for me, it may appear so now. what if some time down my life i realise i was wrong to do so?
How can i compromise my short term based on a belief that it will benefit me in the long run, or vice versa!!

Why start typing now?

Ever since the era of blogging began i was amused by the various reasons people blogged their thoughts. Be it frustration, confession, musings, publicity, or the plain charm of putting the abstract into words. I myself never felt the need to do any of the above, primarily because i had many good people to share my thoughts with and also because i was never the writing kind of person.
I must add that i had at my disposal or rather i had access to the most enlightened and like minded people i have ever known. I am beyond thankful to my college Bits Goa for it.

So as i was saying i never felt the need to write much except when i was at home in holidays, but those few futile attempts were in vain as i always knew i would be going back to the college. I can relate myself to harry potter who yearned to go back to his school, to re-unite with his friends.
But now i am at the crossroads of time, space and even brain waves(will explain my brain wave theory later on) and i feel the need to capture moments that pass by or to vent out my thoughts. To my surprise writing down helps a lot.

Lets face it, it will take me a long before i end with the kind of guys, long before i reach the kind of understanding that we had in college rather hostel i should say. So until then i would write.
I will fill up this e-space with whatsoever comes to my mind which i find worthy of sharing.

I believe change is not easy and may not be desired many a times but it is inevitable.
Keeping this in mind i should say that people commenting shouldn't expect radical change in my thoughts with their words but i will try my best to absorb the best from those.