Thursday, June 18, 2009

Last 4 years and beyond

To be very honest i am no longer the person that entered the gates of Bits Goa( which i think looks more like a holiday resort than anything else). These last 4 years i have learnt so much maybe not academically but yes otherwise. I not only learnt but i can say that i gained a lot of wisdom passively(sorry i dont intend to sound smug). In short i perceive myself as an improved version of what i used to be.

But many a times i wonder if i am as good as i could have been after these 4 years?
Whatever i did, the descisions i took, were they right?
Have i committed any mistakes which i dont reckon yet?
Am i going in the right direction? which i chose in these past years?

Interestingly my mind tries to accept my current state as the best possible, hence avoiding any chronic tension/worry/guilt that might arise otherwise. This line of thought also provokes another question, what is right or wrong? My so called logical definition of right is something widely accepted and acknowleged thought/method/means to achieve another widely accepted end/result/state. But then this again raises the question that if widely accpted things are correct how can you account for success of innovators, radical thinkers and succesful people who chose their own path. Although statistically these people are very few but they are the ones who achieve true success according to me.

So i am stuck here with this self created conundrum of mine, but mostly i follow the widely accepted path, mainly beacuse of my fear of failure which i may meet by taking a risk beyond my scope of understanding.

Many a time people say that do what you really want, follow the path that involves your passions and strengths. Its ridiculous.
It is practically impossible to satisfy all your passions, needs and requirements at the same time. I must sacrifice something to gain another. I dont have a measuring scale to compare these, i cant put an equation say that losing x of this and gaining y of that is more beneficial!
It may so happen that i decide that giving up this particular thing is wiser for me, it may appear so now. what if some time down my life i realise i was wrong to do so?
How can i compromise my short term based on a belief that it will benefit me in the long run, or vice versa!!


  1. When was the first time you had these thoughts?

  2. Boy ... are you confused
    God bless you kid .. but itna sochega to mar jaayega

  3. @lalit
    believe me if i could have i would have.
